I have a fourth grader and a third grader who have been taking lessons from Chuck for three years and a first grader who is closing in on her first year. I love listening to them play.
Prior to having my children begin piano, I was concerned about how much and when to practice given I myself was a frequently sheepish piano student when it was apparent week after week that I had not practiced enough. Chuck meets the kids at their level of weekly preparation and progresses them through the materials accordingly. Chuck is the exact right combination of kindness and expectation mixed with a seemingly limitless amount of patience.
Each week, our family of four kids (ages 10, 9, 6, and 2) utilizes Chuck’s waiting area stocked with old school Nintendo, books, and comfortable furniture as the three oldest cycle through their half hour lessons. On nice days, we make our way outdoors where there is a basketball hoop in the driveway and plenty of space for a quick game of kickball in the front yard.
One of my favorite parts about Chuck’s piano lessons are the January and May recitals. These are wonderful opportunities for the kids to get on stage and perform in front of a crowd and showcase their hard work without too much pressure. For my kids at a more novice level, it’s also a great chance for them to listen to aspirational playing by the older kids, capped off by super aspirational piano playing by Chuck. I highly recommend taking piano lessons from Chuck Michaelson.
— Katie Eastvold